While most things slow in the summer, public relations professionals can take advantage of the “slow” season to create winning opportunities for clients.
To give you an idea of how to take the luck out of PR, we’ve outlined a few ways to ensure your efforts are working towards success rather than simply a gamble with luck.
Like with other bona fide public relations catastrophes, the one positive element is that we marketers can learn from them—without actually having to go through the ordeals ourselves.
While we are busy finalizing all the little details, it is equally important to ensure we are utilizing the public relations team to create buzz ahead of the show—and keep it going beyond the event. Here are four ways you can leverage PR for tradeshow season.
The media furor from the recent romaine recall has died down, but that doesn’t mean that we now have the luxury to return to “business as usual.” This is the ideal time to think critically about how we can better prepare ourselves to mitigate the consequences of food safety scares as they occur.
You can try to hide from it, but the fresh produce industry needs to face the reality that it will be essential to be prepared to handle a food crisis in 2019 and beyond, especially when it comes to public relations. Luckily we created this strategic how-to guide for crisis PR!