Public Relations

One of our rockstar interns, Deanna, takes JCPenney’s recent branding struggles head on and provides us with key takeaways fresh produce companies can learn for their next rebranding effort.
What does being “newsworthy” mean? These five tips will accelerate your public relations strategy and get you thinking about the stories you pitch differently. Read on to learn how you can become a great catch yourself!

If you were unable to connect to your favorite foodie blog or athletic message board to rant about the weekend games on Monday, you weren’t alone. Go Daddy’s servers went down early this week, leaving a large chunk of their customers’ websites at the mercy of Go Daddy’s tech team. DMA and The Core were […]

PMA Impact Award

Public Relations has existed for many years as a profession unjustly shrouded in mystery and misrepresentation. The truth is, PR Practitioners aren’t flacks, they aren’t spin doctors, and they do a lot more than just mass distribute press releases every single day. PR has the unmatched ability to positively influence brand awareness, perceptions and reputations […]

Your new website, over which you’ve slaved for months, is launching. And you’ve crafted the ultimate press release – as high quality and well-constructed as the subject matter – to make the announcement.