What We Were All Feeling During Super Bowl XLVIII [Reaction Gifs]

manningFirst things first: congrats to the 2014 Super Bowl Champions, the Seattle Seahawks. WOW! Seattle dominated on every level – really, did anyone imagine that final score? But we know our designers in Seattle saw it coming and we’re glad they survived the festivities.

The 2014 Super Bowl shaped up to be a show of the unexpected. After years of controversial and risqué advertising, the 2014 commercial lineup was filled with warm and fuzzy sentiments, puppies, sing-a-longs, and rainbows emerging from German engineers. Combined with the talent Bruno Mars displayed during the halftime show, a surprise (and odd) performance from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the Denver Broncos not even showing up to play, this year’s game was overall the most family-friendly yet uneventful game we have seen in years. Here’s a breakdown of what we were ALL feeling as the night progressed.

As the game begins and you’re cheering on your team…

When Renee Fleming totally owned the National Anthem and didn’t butcher any lyrics

Seahawks fans during the first quarter

Broncos fans during the first quarter

Peyton Manning during the first quarter

After the first couple of ads aired and they weren’t THAT amazing…

Once an ad finally made us giggle, like the Turbo Tax ad or the Bud Light #UpforWhatever spot.

Broncos fans when Manning threw that interception… and then that other interception

Our thoughts as marketers when we noticed nearly every ad included a hashtag to connect at the end

Seahawks fans by the end of the second quarter

Broncos fans by the end of the second quarter

After seeing one of the many patriotic ads featured on Sunday, like Coca-Cola’s America is Beautiful ad or Budweiser’s #Salute a Hero.

When we see the outrage people on Twitter are expressing over the Coke ad.

After every light-hearted or heart-warming ad, like Cheerios Super Bowl debut, Dorito’s Time Machine, or RadioShack’s “The 80s Called…”

Watching Bruno Mars during the Halftime show

When the Red Hot Chili Peppers came out and we all took a bathroom break

Our thoughts about Wonderful Pistachios and their cameo ad with Stephen Colbert

The entire second half for anyone whose team wasn’t playing

After watching the emotional Chevy cause marketing spot supporting the American Cancer Association

When that Scientology ad aired…

Broncos fans after they finally made it into the endzone

When Oikos reunited the Full House cast

Anytime Peyton Manning looked at the scoreboard


How we felt after seeing Budweiser’s #BestBuds spot

Seahawks fans after the game

Broncos fans after the game

And the overall feeling about the game and the commercials

Another Super Bowl has come and gone, and this year we were spared from squirming in our seats with sheer awkwardness after watching models make out with geeks, but overall the marketing during this year’s game lacked a bit of a spark. Even so, make sure you catch these stand out ads and let us know what your feelings were about the game below.