It’s the same at the end of every year… “After the new year, I’m going to eat right, save money, volunteer and clean out the garage.” Promises, promises. We all have good intentions, and at no time are they more prominently displayed than right after the calendar flips to January One.
Bettering ourselves – physically, financially, spiritually – is a distinctly human trait. However, actually sticking with a “new year, new you” plan elevates mere mortals to super status. We’re hard on ourselves and often times overly ambitious, setting ourselves up for failure. Sure, maybe not complete and utter failure – but, not reaching one weight goal or savings figure makes the “resolvers” much less likely to maintain their new efforts. It requires a very deep-down, personal decision to successfully transition a resolution to a life change. So, rather than come up with a list of suggested resolutions or broadcasting our own (you dodged that bullet!), we want to provide a real life example of a personal commitment that led to a beneficial and enduring life lesson.
Our friend and industry colleague, Emily Fragoso (Marketing Manager at Coast Produce and one of the masterminds behind Crave! at Work), details her self-improvement journey below – thanks, Emily!
Emily Fragoso
Have you ever found yourself in front of an audience who is anxiously awaiting what you have to say? Maybe you find yourself getting nervous leading a tour group or even meeting new people at a party. Do your palms begin to sweat? Does your heart rate increase? Or has your mind ever gone completely blank?
These are common reactions to public speaking and I have to admit that I often suffer from them myself. I find this a little funny because I’m pretty outgoing and my career often calls for public speaking.
I love learning and consider myself a lifelong learner. I always look for ways to grow, become a better person, and push myself out of my comfort zone… which includes public speaking. My constant desire to grow led me to discover Toastmasters.
Located throughout the US and across the world, Toastmasters is an organization that helps people learn how to speak in public. And anyone, at any speaking level, is a good candidate to join. Through Toastmasters you can become a self-assured, successful person – able to organize your thoughts and present them clearly and confidently, listen critically, and lead others.
I first joined about ten years ago, when I was right out of college and was an active member for about two years. However, about a year ago, I faced an obstacle that required some outside help.
I was invited to co-speak at a conference with over 1000 attendees. Since I was going to be representing myself and my employer, I wanted to be fully prepared. Sure, I knew what I was going to speak about, but I wanted to make sure that I was ready and able to captivate and hold the attention of an audience of that size. The skills I learned (and continue to learn) at Toastmasters aren’t necessarily something that I never knew before, but the additional time to practice in front of a captive and feedback-providing audience is invaluable.
And, at Toastmasters, “learning” is a two-way street. Everyone in my group knows about the Walk for Hope, why eating fruits and vegetables is an essential part of a healthy life, about Crave! at Work, and that “It’s Snackin’ Time” with the Coast Snacking line. Can you tell that I am converting people to fruit and veggie lovers, one person at a time?
Public speaking is a part of our lives whether you like it or not. And, unless you are relying on your charm and/or good looks, you most likely want to sound polished and confident when in front of an audience. Toastmasters (and practice!) will equip you with the tools to do just that.
So What?: If you are interested in improving your public speaking skills please check out the website to find a meeting close to you. Or, please feel free to give me a call as I will be happy to answer any questions. Next thing you know, you may be winning “Best Speech” at a meeting near you!
Posted by Emily Fragoso and The Health Nut (Brock Nemecek)