Honor Your Fresh Hero

honor-your-fresh-heroA fresh hero is someone who has inspired your passion for fresh produce. Whether a parent who packed your lunches with a variety of fruits and veggies or a fresh produce industry colleague who serves as an invaluable mentor, fresh heroes are all around us. At DMA Solutions, we’re honoring our fresh heroes this summer, and invite you to honor yours as well.

Honor Your Fresh Heroes is our way of giving praise to champions of fresh produce. It’s also an opportunity to support a great cause—Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools. Through this campaign, we hope to raise $10,000 in donations to the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools on behalf of your fresh heroes.

If you are anything like us, you would clamor for the opportunity to say “thank you” in a meaningful way to the people and/or that have inspired your passion for fresh produce. This campaign gives you that chance.

Starting today through July 4, 2014, you have the opportunity to honor your fresh hero in three easy steps:

STEP 1: Click here and fill out the form to tell us about your fresh hero, and provide a photo (optional) of him or her at now through July 4, 2014
STEP 2: Honor your hero by making a donation in their name to the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools campaign when prompted and/or…
STEP 3: Visit DMA Solutions at booth (#1458) during United Fresh in Chicago to make a donation and take a photo with your fresh hero that will be printed and shared on social platforms.

“Since he could eat solids, my son Cooper has been an enthusiast and costly consumer of fresh fruits and veggies (I can’t keep the berries stocked). In fact, his favorite lunchbox addition is spinach salad with Light Ranch dressing. He says that ‘Kids don’t ask why I’m eating it, they just mostly want to know what it tastes like!'”

– Megan Zweig

Cooper Zweig
“Lorelei is my fresh hero because she has helped me to understand and truly value the critical role of policy in our industry’s pursuit to increase consumption of fresh fruit & vegetables. Her passion is contagious and is making a difference!”

– Dan’l Mackey Almy

“My dad, Joe, is not only my FRESH HERO, but inspires future generations of fresh enthusiasts (like my nieces and nephews). As I once wrote, Dad serves as the unofficial FRESH HERO of my entire hometown and plants a garden every year to share the spoils of his hard work with just about everyone lucky enough to know him. Even amidst the worst drought of his lifetime, my Dad retrieves non-potable water from the city weekly in order to continue to spread his fresh inspiration. He’s also a leukemia survivor (27 years!) and the best guy I know.”

– Brock Nemecek

Cooper Zweig