On Friday we shared with you encouraging stats from food blogs that show the popularity of fresh produce is quickly on the rise and overtaking the World Wide Web. Now the trend towards healthier, more holistic eating is (once again) making its way to the big screen in the form of the documentary “Fed Up,” narrated by Katie Couric and hitting theatres this Friday, May 9.
Films that expose the realities of processed foods are almost always a WIN for the fresh produce industry, especially when you consider that $2 BILLION is spent by processed food companies to promote their products compared to the estimated $116 million by the fresh produce industry. If sugars and processed foods are the primary villain, our industry is here and available to consumers as the healthy, life-changing solution.
But although we won’t get a chance to see the movie here in Dallas until after May 16th, we’ve heard a few reviews that Fed Up missed the mark in terms of offering viewers with a healthy solution or alternative. The film takes the stance that we need to shift the blame off of ourselves for being inactive or making poor choices and onto the food companies themselves for the added sugars and processed chemicals they put into our food. The film even goes as far as to “subtly mock” the First Lady’s Let’s Move campaign approach and fails to shine a light on the strides that have been made over the past few years, including the 2,800 schools across the country that have received salad bars to date.
We will wait until we see the film ourselves to give our full review, but you can watch the trailer for yourself below. Whether or not the film offers fresh fruits and vegetables up as the clear solution, the documentary further highlights America’s trend toward fresher eating and presents all of us as fresh produce marketers with a golden opportunity to start that conversation with consumers about what FRESH has to offer.