Office Eats: A Fresh Take on Twinkies

As a fresh produce marketing company, rarely will you see us present you with a post that has good things to say about Twinkies. In fact, most of our employees at DMA Solutions have never even eaten a Twinkie (seriously). With that said, the Twinkie is making a “sweet comeback” since the product made its way back onto store shelves after a brief hiatus due to the 2012 Hostess Brands bankruptcy snafu. Now the Twinkie brand is feeding the hunger of the nostalgic Boomer and X Generations while making a splash with the new Millennial and Z consumers.

The term “Twinkie” has been a trending topic this week in the social arena all week, which got us thinking… How can we take a Twinkie and make it FRESH? We grow and sell the most beautiful and nutritious foods in the world! Surely the Twinkie could use a FRESH makeover.

Our solution?

Instead of serving Twinkies whole, cut them into bite sized pieces and adorn them with delicious flavor combinations using fresh produce in your fridge and ingredients in your cabinet. Here are examples of the various ways that we deconstructed the Twinkie to give it a fresh makeover.

These delicious bites could be served as an alternative to a heavy dessert. There really is no recipe but we had fun this morning digging through our DMA pantry and fridge to create…

Twinkie Better Bites including:

– Apple and Strawberry Stack with Mascarpone and Blueberry

– Fuji Apples, Cinnamon and Caramel Twinkie Bite

– Strawberry Shortcake

– Granola and Blueberry Bite with Mascarpone Cream Filling

– Twinkie Stuffed Strawberry with Whipped Cream

– Blueberry, Almond and Cream Crunch Big Bite

– Strawberry and Twinkie with Caramel Drizzle

– Banana and Strawberry Cream Side Stack

– Blackberry, Blueberry and Strawberry Club Bite

– Banana and Peanut Butter Bite (not shown)

We invite you to join the #Twinkie conversation online with us and use this opportunity to share your fresh story and be present in the discussion that consumers are wanting to hear more about today! Timing is everything and the new Twinkie fad will only be a fad for a limited time.