5 Things I Want to Learn at Inbound 2015

INBOUND-1One of the world’s premier marketing conferences, HubSpot’s #INBOUND2015 is right around the corner and I’m super excited to attend this year. In just a few weeks thousands of marketers from across the world will come together to learn and inspire one another.  Having worked with Hubspot’s software for a couple of years now, I see first-hand the impact that relevant content, strong consumer communications and 360 degree reporting can have on a brand; and this conference is all about how to do those things even smarter.  After looking through the conference schedule and learning about the speakers, I’ve come up with five things I want to take away from year’s Inbound Conference and the amazing speaker line up.

1. How to Build an Effective Video Content Strategy

For produce marketers, video is one of the most relevant and untapped content strategies that we have an opportunity to harness in 2016. I’m excited to hear Amy Schmittauer of the successful video blog Savvy Sexy Social share 5 crucial steps to developing a video strategy that not only builds brand awareness but also builds brand advocates.

2. The Future of PR Analytics and Measurement

We’ve been writing a lot (here and here) about the blurred line between public relations and marketing due to the significant role that social media plays in brand communications.  The full integration of these efforts begs the question, “How can we better measure how our PR strategies are working for us in all areas of our public relations outreach beyond simply looking at impressions?” HubSpot’s session with Christine Perkett, CEO & Founder of SeeDepth, Inc. promises to show how marketers can evolve beyond just capturing output data to instead measuring outcomes and impact.

3. SEO for Dummies

It seems that SEO is becoming more and more of an elusive cat and mouse game that can be super complex and challenging at the very least.  HubSpot has planned several educational sessions that help marketers wrap their arms around a modern SEO strategy and how companies can be successful in a mobile-driven world.

4. The Brains Behind Marketing

This topic holds a special place in my heart because I arrived at a career in marketing by way of a Consumer Psychology class I took my freshman year of college.  There are so many things we can learn about how the brain processes information and recalls certain messages and imagery.  As marketers, that means understanding how to get consumers to notice and remember our brands.  Cognitive Neuroscientist , Dr. Carmen Simon, will be presenting a session called The Neuroscience of Memorable Content that I’m pretty sure I’ll love.

5. What’s New with HubSpot?

The HubSpot software is an incredible resource for marketers looking to easily and effectively execute marketing campaigns, capture consumer data, remarket to brand enthusiasts, and report on campaign metrics.  An added benefit is the continual updates and improvements made to the software, and I looking forward to potential enhancements to the social media manager, reporting capabilities and campaign tracking.

Oh. And Chelsea Clinton.

How about you? What areas of marketing are you trying to learn more about?